Killer Republicans – Part 1 Covid-19

A version of this was originally posted in response to the editorial published here:   January 13, 2022 – Trail Gazette Editorial


“The jabs do not offer protection.. the vaxed are the spreaders .”  “the jab that failed to protect the protected.” Other comments asserting that breakthrough infections are proof that Covid-19 vaccines don’t work.

The profound ignorance displayed in the posts referenced above would be unfathomable, were it not for knowing of the millions of gullible, simple minded consumers of MAGA media, who willingly allow themselves to be manipulated by the outright lies and distortions fed to them daily. Whatever gave you the idea that vaccines would prevent everyone from contracting Covid? That the simple fact a fully vaccinated person contracted Covid is somehow proof that the vaccines don’t work? Stop polluting your mind with the seditious media, and educate yourself using reliable sources.

Imagine what America would be like today had Trump and the MAGA media actually promoted the science. Trump would have boosted production of N95 quality masks, so health care workers had all they needed, and soon thereafter every domestic resident would have been wearing a high-quality mask in public, reducing the risk of infection both for the wearer and everyone else, drastically reducing the spread of Covid. Near-universal vaccination would keep most of those who did contract Covid out of the hospital – and out of the morgue. The immuno-compromised and others vaccines do little to protect would be at much less risk from you, the unvaccinated. People denied medical care today because hospitals are too busy with Covid patients – and understaffed because the rampant spread of Omicron keeps health-care workers quarantined – would get the care they need.

However, that is not America today. At the Omicron variant peak, more than 18,000 people died needlessly each week (CDC numbers). This is due to YOU – THE ANTI-MASK, ANTI-VAX people. YOU are responsible for this. YOU ARE KILLERS!

The pandemic is not behind us.  Covid-19 is still very much with us.  While the risk of long-term health issues due to a primary infection is small, the same is not true for the significant percentage of infected people who go on to suffer what is being called ‘long covid’.

Why would you risk even the inconvenience of a primary infection, let alone the suffering, or even permanent organic damage, resulting from long covid, when effective preventative measures are so easy?

Understand: Long Covid is not Covid.  It is a side effect of a primary Covid infection.  Likely micro blood clots preventing blood flow through capillaries, starving the surrounding tissue of oxygen, killing it.  Not good when the tissue is in your heart, lungs, brain, liver or kidney, for example.

Wearing a quality mask in public is not a hardship.  Being vaccinated reduces the risk of covid for everyone. Both are the patriotic thing to do. Both are the Christian thing to do.