Colorado Gun Legislation – April, 2021

House Bill 1106 mandates gun owners to “responsibly and securely” store their firearms when not in use to prevent juveniles and other unauthorized users from accessing them. It also requires a licensed gun dealer to provide a locking device with each firearm sale or transfer.

Senate Bill 78, renamed the Isabella Joy Thallas Act in honor of a 21-year-old woman shot and killed in Denver last summer, requires a gun owner to report their lost or stolen firearm within five days or be subject to fines.

Isabelle Daigle, a spokeswoman for Colorado’s state House Republicans, said the measures “attack Coloradans’ core Second Amendment rights.”

“These bills do not serve a common-sense purpose to provide solutions to actual problems. Instead, they are just a step on a slippery slope of trying to pursue a gun control agenda rather than looking for the root causes of the issue,” she said.

How disingenuous for Ms. Daigle to claim – at least by implication – that Republicans seek to look “for the root causes of the issue”.  The root causes of gun violence are clear to anyone willing to move beyond the simple-minded, rule-bound view apparent is the writings of so-called Second Amendment advocates.

People kill out of anger, whether out of impulse, or in cold blood.

Emotional immaturity, a person’s animal nature – rather than human nature – by definition feeds this anger.  Violence is an animal response, not an expression of a person’s higher human nature.

The right to gun ownership should be withdrawn from every person who has demonstrated anger management issues.

The intent of the Second Amendment is all too often ignored by so-called Second Amendment advocates: A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State . . .

The requirement for “A Well Regulated Militia”, “necessary to the security of a free State” is fulfilled by the National Guard or any of the branches of the armed forces.  All of which were created well after the ratification of the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment is obsolete, and should be repealed.