Republican Killers Part 3 – Republican Liars

Republican lies strip you of your true freedom of choice – is your choice truly free when it is based on lies? – and manipulate you into enabling their deadly, destructive agenda.

This season’s Republican campaign adds vilifying Democratic initiatives sum up current Republican lies: Crushing Inflation! Trillions in wasteful spending!

As the links above show, Democratic spending programs serve Americans and American Infrastructure across the American economy.

Democratic programs did not create economic inflation, which is a global issue, contrary to the simplistic lies Republicans are spewing.  The real answer much more complex.

Covid-related supply chain issues (meaning shortages of people to do the work to keep goods moving through the economy) was an early trigger.  Nationally, this would have been less a problem had Republicans not lied about Covid science, and instead promoted the common-sense measures of masks and vaccinations.

Have you heard of Russia’s globally de-stabilizing war, reducing the flow of energy to Europe and causing the spike in global energy prices – which Americans see at the gas pump, in heating bills, and in food prices (food takes energy to produce every step of the way, from growing and processing, to transporting it to stores)?

None of this is controlled by American government, certainly not caused by Democratic policy.

To the extent that Democratic programs put more money in the hands of families, contributing to inflation through increasing demand, that demand resulted from every-day Americans having the money to spend, and the enhanced freedom that vaccines gave us to resume a more normal life.  To vote Republican because of that is to bite the hand that feeds you.

Throughout the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Democratic economic policy focused on helping families and small business.  Do Democrats always get it right? Of course not, but at least the intent of their policies is to make life better for all Americans.

Look at the promotion of high-quality masks and vaccines, the best recommendations science has to offer to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.  These recommendations could still significantly reduce the ~400 daily covid-19 deaths, if only they were adopted by the millions who believe the anti-science lies promoted by Trump and Republicans.

Pandemic financial aid helped those harmed by the pandemic – families and businesses alike.  Look at the expansion of health care coverage that Republicans fought steadfastly against, still not fully implemented in some Republican-lead states.

Look at the aid to families in the form of the per-child tax credit, part of a pandemic aid package that was allowed to end due to a lack of Republican support.

Do you need any more proof that Republicans care only about money and power, and care not about your family’s welfare?